IRE4 was started in 2015 from the acquisition of I.R.E. Srl, an artisan company founded in 1976. Initially, the company was an electro-mechanical workshop and then expanded its expertise over the years, to the point where it meets multiple types of needs for public and private customers.
Today IRE4 is a multi-sector enterprise that operates in the Orvieto area, and also in neighboring municipalities and regions of Italy, in particular Tuscany and Lazio.
IRE4 deals with 360° of swimming pools: from design to implant engineering, from laying the fabric to management and maintenance. The company is one of seven official service centers of Dolphin.
There are numerous products and services offered in the hydraulic sector. From the construction and installation of swimming pools, electric pumps for public and private aqueducts, pumps for waste water, purifiers and water purification plants, customer assistance for any type of electro-mechanical hydraulic machinery.
In addition, IRE4 also deals with the construction and sale of generating sets with CE certification, repairs and maintenance in the workshop of electro-pumps, engines and electro-mechanical equipment and generators.
Thanks to the excellent results achieved in recent years, IRE4 has decided to implement within its organization a “Quality Policy”, so as to be able to define a management system that meets the international standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2000.
From 1976: experience and professionalism at the service of our customers.
Safety and quality of products are our priority. A streamlined and flexible corporate structure and a direct contact with the client allow immediate answers and constant presence to always ensure the best service.
At our workshop we also offer repair and maintenance services for electric pumps, motors, electro-mechanical equipment and power generators.
Our staff consists of a total of 20 professionals, including the 3 founding members: David Bracchetti, Luca Lombardelli and Davide Pioli. Each with well-defined tasks and specifications.
Our company implements a philosophy for which low quality products are not treated. We sell and install only products where we can directly provide assistance, without ever leaving the customer high and dry.
The work we do is performed only if there is convenience for the customer. Our interest is only to sell the most suitable solutions for you.